With RZ PowerPoint Converter, we can easy to convert any PowerPoint presentations to videos of any formats. Optimize the converted video for YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android, etc.
For example, here we will convert five Powerpoint files to HD videos for Youtube.
Step 1: Import PowerPoint Files - Click "Big Red Plus" button to import all PowerPoint files into the program, then press "Next" button.
Here we imported five PowerPoint files into the program, and all PowerPoint files be shown in the right list, like below pic.
You can press "Remove" button to remove the selected PowerPoint file from the list, or Press "Remove All" button to remove all PowerPoint files in the list.
You can press "Move Up" or "Move Down" button to adjust the order of PowerPoint file.
You can press "Music" button to select any format audio files as new background musics of these PowerPoint presentations.
If you have set slide transition time between slides in the PowerPoint file, you can simply check "Keep Actual Transition Time" option to retain the actual transition time in PowerPoint file.
If you want to set new slide transition time between PowerPoint slides, please uncheck "Keep Actual Transition Time" option, and press "Slide Transition Time" to set new Slide Transtion Time.
Step 2: Select "Convert To Video" and select a right Target Format, then press "Next".
The program supports all YouTube video profiles, here we selected "YouTube Videos->YouTube HD Video(1920x1080)(HD1080p)(WideScreen)(.mp4)" as target format to convert all five PowerPoint files to 16:9 1080p HD videos for YouTube.
You can press "Video Settings" button to adjust video frame size, video frame rate, video resize mode, video quality, audio bitrate, audio quality, output video file size, etc.
Step 3: Press "Select Folder" to select a Target folder, then press "Start" to start the conversion.
Here we selected "D:\ppppppp\" as Target folder, so once the conversion process finished, we could find all output HD1080p MP4 files in "D:\ppppppp\", then we can directly upload them onto YouTube with 1080P option.
PPT to YouTube, PPTx to YouTube, PowerPoint to YouTube, PowerPoint to YouTube Converter, Convert PowerPoint to YouTube, ppt2youtube, PPT to YouTube Converter, PPTx to YouTube Converter, Convert PPT to YouTube, Convert PPTx to YouTube